How we work

For community – by community

queerspace provides a safe and supportive space to obtain information and access services aimed at improving the health and well-being of LGBTIQ+ communities.

queerspace is a community organisation supported by drummond street services that understands the importance of LGBTIQ+ voices and lived experience.  All our staff are queer identified practitioners, counsellors, group facilitators and community engagement workers. Our affirmative action employment policy also embraces First Nations people, cultural diversity and people with disabilities. queerspace run a number of programs which use the expertise of people of lived experience in the areas of family violence support and the experience of institutionalized abuse.

Better connections, support and inclusion means healthy people

queerspace recognise the challenges facing individuals, partners and families. Building strong, healthy relationships can be challenging for a number of different reasons. We recognise people from one or more of the LGBTIQ+ communities are often over represented in statistical data on a range of poor health outcomes. When people are connected to healthy supportive  relationships with peers, partners and families – they thrive.

Therefore we work closely with the LGBTIQ+ communities,  community and health services, LGBTIQ+ friendly organisations, support agencies, LGBTIQ+ community groups and families to design, implement and evaluate our programs.

Holistic, accessible and capacity building

We take a holistic approach to our work and apply a variety of strategies to address issues faced by LGBTIQ+ communities and take a public health approach to our work.

This includes a focus on early intervention and prevention strategies where there may be increased risks to health, mental health and well-being; and, by providing a multiple service touch points to communities such as:

  • Individual, relationship and whole-of-family counselling
  • Parenting support groups
  • Youth counselling, activities and group programs
  • Community group education and information programs
  • Peer support and social activities
  • Self advocacy and community peer driven engagement programs
  • Online and web resources
  • Community forums and events
  • Community based, co-designed and community driven health promotion activities

We also build capacity among service sectors LGBTIQ+ people access through secondary consultation,  providing professional development and education, as well as building knowledge through research, evaluation and the use of evidence based approaches.

Family and Intimate Partner Violence

Queerspace supports people experiencing violence from partners, ex-partners, parents and a range of family members, including family of choice. We work with people in a variety of ways, including one-on-one therapeutic support and through peer support workers and people with lived experience.

Queerspace recognizes that LGBTIQ+ people in relationships experience similar rates of family violence and intimate partner violence as people in heterosexual relationships.  We provide support and services to victims and perpetrators of family violence from one or more of the LGBTIQ+ communities through our family violence programs.

Our work with Carers

Our staff are committed to the health and wellbeing of carers and family members. We have a clear service policy which outlines practices which follow the guidance of the Carer Recognition Act (2012). We also acknowledge the Commonwealth Carer Recognition Act (2010). Similarly to Victoria’s Act it aims to increase recognition and awareness of those people who provide daily care and support to people with disability, chronic medical conditions, mental illness or who have an age related condition. Further information on the Commonwealth Carer Recognition Act 2010 and the guidelines can be found here.

We have also developed a discussion paper with our recommendations to Government regarding carers found here.

drummond street encourage the participation of carer and representatives on our service, program and project advisory groups. So keep an eye out on our social media and newsletters for these opportunities.

Other ways we support carers are through:

  • Providing carer support through counselling services, groups and programs
  • Collaborative policy and advocacy with carer peak bodies
  • Collaborative policy and advocacy with the carer peer and lived experience workforce
  • Policy and advocacy to government on issues which impact families and carers that use our services