
Research for and by the LGBTIQA+ Community at Queerspace (Drummond Street Services)

Your voice matters. It has impact. It makes change.

We need your voice! Our research is based on the lived and intersectional experiences of LGBTIQA+ people and your communities.

The Centre for Family, Research and Evaluation at Drummond Street (CFRE) conducts research based on the lived and intersectional experiences of LGBTIQA+ communities that aims to:

  • Improve Drummond Street and Queerspace services
  • Build an understanding of the needs of LGBTIQA+communities
  • Advocate for better health services, safer resources and greater funding.

That is why we need your input. Please click here to sign up to find out about future research and how you can be involved.

You can help us design and advocate for services that are more accessible for everyone in the LGBTIQA+ community across all identities and how these intersect.

You will be invited to participate in projects like:

See our website for reports and more: